Speech & Language Developmental Milestones

From 12 to 24 Months


Expressive Language Skills

produces first real word - usually a thing that can be acted upon like a food, a drink or an animal versus a stationary object

uses words to get things

may avoid words that are difficult to say

transitions from saying one word to two words

strings two words together

has about 200 to 300 words in her repertoire

you'll understand about half of what she says

Receptive Language Skills

points to body parts

recognizes clothing and objects

points to pictures when named

pretends at self-related activities - combing hair, eating, drinking

play includes other actors who are the receivers of actions

receptive language is expanding

listens to simple stories, rhymes

answers yes-no questions

gives common objects on request


Your baby will say her first real word!

This word is consistently used to refer to a person, object or event.


Your baby is realizing that she can vocalize to get things. Which words and which word combination she says will depend on how useful the words are to her, how easy or difficult it is to say the sounds in the word, and the type of word it is.

She will be able to say many of the simpler sounds; she will learn the more difficult ones over time. She'll omit the sounds she cannot pronounce.

But by her second birthday you will be able to understand about half of what she says.


Your little one will increase the number of words she says by her second birthday. When she has about 30 to 50 words she will begin to put two words together.

Talk with your pediatrician or seek professional advice if you feel your child's language acquisition is not progressing, or if you think he is not where he should be. 

Remember not to wait too long As the months pass, your child's peers will continue to develop and the “gap” may get larger and larger.